Storyland Studios Design Competition: Monster Land


Group Project with Cara Levine, Bridget Weitzel, and Karen Donarski
Role: Producing, Writing, Creative Direction, Story Development

After 20 years of telling stories in space, Storyland Studios is inviting the next generation of storytellers to showcase their talent. We're inviting freelance designers from around the world to pitch their idea for the next immersive, story-based experience.

Key Considerations:

  • Depth and Richness of Storytelling: Does it entertain, thrill, and excite?

  • Emotional Resonance: Does it move people to act?

  • Design Innovation: Does it push the boundary of what’s been done before?

  • Creative Use of Materials: Does it find new ways to use old tools and design methods?

  • Executability: Is it doable?

  • Ecological Compatibility: What’s the impact on the area where the project would be installed?

The project should not include:

  • Do not use IP (Intellectual Property) in any part of your proposal.

Monsterland is a safe haven where even the most misunderstood monsters can find where they belong. Guests are invited to explore the homes of these friendly monsters as they share their stories through immersive environments and attractions.
